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US Mobile’s Updated Unlimited Plan Costs $35 Includes 10-Day Free Trial


At the end of April, US Mobile's CEO Ahmed Khattak stated in a podcast that two new updated unlimited plans would be released in the coming days. The updates are now here and were announced today in a US Mobile blog post.

US Mobile has launched a new plan called Unlimited Basic that starts at $35/month for a single line with 30GB of high-speed data before throttling. The MVNO's $45 unlimited plan is now called "Unlimited Premium" and the plan's high-speed data allotment has been increased to 100GB up from 75GB. US Mobile is offering a free 10-day trial of its Unlimited Basic plan for new customers.

US Mobile's Updated Unlimited Plans Explained

Both of US Mobile's updated unlimited plans include premium high-priority data on the Verizon network, which US Mobile refers to as its Warp 5G network. After each plan's high-speed priority data allotment is reached, data speeds are slowed for the remainder of the billing cycle. US Mobile previously slowed data speeds to about 1Mbps after the high-speed allotment threshold was reached. BestMVNO has reached out to US Mobile to see if that is still the case and is awaiting a response.

Unlimited Premium

US Mobile's Premium Unlimited plan comes with full access to Verizon's 5G networks, including its nationwide, C-band, and mmWave networks. It also now has 50GB of hotspot data. Previously the plan did not include any hotspot data unless customers upgraded their plan for an additional $10/month to get 20GB of hotspot. The rest of the plans features remain mostly unchanged. Customers still get up to 10GB of data to use while traveling internationally at no extra cost. Multi-line discounts are available. Customers can get 4+ lines for as low as $30/line. Subscribers with at least 3-lines get one free perk such as their Netflix subscription paid for. Customers with 4-lines get two perks of their choosing including the Netflix offer and the ability to get their HBO Max subscription paid for among other streaming options.

Given that taxes and fees are now extra and will cost about $5/line, the new Unlimited Premium plan will cost more money than the old Unlimited All plans did for customers with multiple lines. New customers will now have to pay anywhere from $10 to $40 per month more for 4-lines of service. New customers that need a lot of data but don't use hotspot will also now have to pay $5/month more than they would have if they signed up for the Unlimited All plan yesterday. Current customers with an Unlimited All plan will be grandfathered into their plans for the time being.

Unlimited Basic

US Mobile's $35/month Unlimited Basic plan is a brand new offering. The Unlimited Basic plan doesn't include any of the extras that the Premium plan has. It does not allow for hotspot usage, there's no free data to use while traveling internationally and no free streaming media perks. The plan also lacks mmWave coverage, but does have 5G C-band and 5G nationwide network access. The plan does however include multi-line discounts.

Multi-line discounts are as follows:

  • 2 Lines - $60

  • 3 Lines - $75

  • 4+ Lines - $80, $20/line

Free Trial Offer Details

US Mobile has launched a free 10-day trial for new customers. Customers with an eSIM compatible device can activate their trial instantly. Customers without eSIM will need to order a starter SIM kit. The SIM starter kit is totally free and even includes free standard shipping which will take 4-6 days to reach you. Customers can upgrade to a faster 2-day delivery for $2 or overnight for $10. The free trial includes unlimited talk, text, and 30GB of high-speed data.

Editor's Take

On the surface, US Mobile's plan updates seem like a great improvement to their offerings. But upon further review, it appears US Mobile has found a way to raise its prices in a sneaky manner. With taxes and fees now costing extra, new US Mobile customers will have to pay more for service than they would have before. US Mobile also seems to have eliminated one of its phone plans to make way for its $35 "Unlimited Basic" plan. Previously, US Mobile offered a $30 plan with 30GB of hard-capped data. That plan is no longer available. If a customer wants a plan with 30GB of high-speed data, they'll now have to pay $35/month for it plus taxes and fees. The $35 plan does at least include unlimited data at slower speeds once the 30GB cap is reached, something that was not available with the $30 plan. The $30 plan, however, offered hotspot as an add-on for an additional $5/month. The new $35 plan does not include hotspot.


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