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T-Mobile, SpaceX has a joint launch tomorrow, Aug. 25

T-Mobile is joining forces with Elon Musk’s SpaceX for an important launch. The event is slated for Thursday, August 25th at 8PM ET. According to SpaceX’s tweet, its chief engineer, Elon Musk, will be joined by T-Mobile president, Mike Sievert, at the event.

As of the moment, details about this event are sparse. But the tweet details that the launch aims to “increase connectivity.”

The event will also take place at SpaceX’s Starbase launch site, which is in South Texas.

Recently, there were reports that a Starship prototype was loaded onto their launchpad. We can’t help but wonder what the two have lined up its sleeve. Could SpaceX help T-Mobile expand its home internet service and cover the areas with sparse networks? Does this also mean we’ll see a SpaceX deal for T-Mo subscribers soon? We’ll have to wait until tomorrow!

If you are curious to know more about this, you can keep an eye out for the event. They have also shared a livestream link, which is already live upon this writing.

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