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T-Mobile responding to impact of Hurricane Fiona

Puerto Rico is currently under a storm watch and is already dealing with heavy rain brought about by Hurricane Fiona. And as with these severe weather conditions, there are areas that have no electricity and network interruptions. While the power in some areas have already been restored, most of the Island still does not have commercial power.

T-Mobile has deployed its emergency teams and are waiting to initiate their recovery efforts. Once the weather conditions permits them, they will be refueling and assessing the damages brought about by the hurricane. They are also prepared to support the affected communities during and after the storm.

On its website, T-Mobile reported that its network is holding up well in Puerto Rico. Some areas are affected due to power outages. T-Mo promises that its engineers and technicians are already on the field making assessments on the impact and refueling generators, repairing damages, recharging batteries, and dispatching portable power generators.

The Un-carrier also said that its Community Support team will provide hotspots and charging equipment to those affected by the power outages.

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